Osavi - Hydrolyzed Collagen, Type I & III, Powder, 300g
Product ContainsDaily Portion %RI
Wartość energetyczna 306 kJ / 72 kcal
Tłuszcz 0 g
W tym kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone 0 g
Węglowodany 0 g
W tym cukry 0 g
Białko 18 g
Sól 0.1 g
Hydrolizowane peptydy kolagenowe otrzymywane z kolagenu typu I i III 20 g
W tym:
Glicyna 3.98 g
Prolina 2.27 g
Hydroksyprolina 2.14 g
Pozostałe aminokwasy 9.61 g
Alanina 1.55 g
Arginina 1.31 g
Kwas asparaginowy 1.04 g
Kwas glutaminowy 1.84 g
Histydyna 0.18 g
Izoleucyna 0.25 g
Leucyna 0.49 g
Lizyna 0.65 g
Hydroksylizyna 0.29 g
Metionina 0.16 g
Fenyloalanina 0.38 g
Seryna 0.58 g
Treonina 0.32 g
Tyrozyna 0.14 g
Walina 0.43 g

*RI - daily reference intake values of vitamins and minerals

Ingredients: Wołowe peptydy kolagenowe.

Recommended Use: Zalecana dzienna porcja: 1 miarka (20 g) dziennie. Rozpuść 1 miarkę proszku w 200 ml wody, napoju lub dodaj bezpośrednio do jedzenia. Dodaj produkt do przystawki, sałatki, śniadania, koktajlu lub deseru.

Warnings: Nie należy przekraczać zalecanej dziennej porcji. Suplement diety nie może być stosowany jako substytut (zamiennik) zróżnicowanej diety. Dla utrzymania prawidłowego stanu zdrowia należy stosować zróżnicowaną dietę i prowadzić zdrowy tryb życia. Przechowywać w ciemnym i suchym miejscu w temperaturze pokojowej, w sposób niedostępny dla małych dzieci.

Best Before: Date and batch number on the package.

Country of Manufacture: Poland

Osavi is a brand that focuses on simplicity and effectiveness when creating supplements. Therefore, you are assured that all the ingredients you find on the label of the brand's products have been tested and are completely safe. This is also the case with the Osavi product: Collagen Types 1 and 3.

Hydrolysed collagen types 1 and 3 - what does that mean?

The main ingredients in Osavi collagen are hydrolysed collagen peptides derived from collagen types I and III. Thanks to this, they contain up to 18 amino acids, most notably a high concentration of glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. These are the basic building amino acids of collagen. Collagen in the human body is formed from long chains of amino acids that form a tightly twisted helix. This form of collagen is difficult to break down. This is why hydrolysed collagen was developed, which is made of shorter chains of amino acids. These are easier for the body to assimilate and have the ability to penetrate deep into tissues and bind to them. When considering collagen supplementation, it is therefore worth taking a closer look at its hydrolysed form.

Hydrolysed collagen powder - how to use it?

Hydrolysed collagen is best taken in the morning - simply pour 1 scoop (20g) of powder over 200ml of water or add directly to your morning smoothie, oatmeal or salad. Hydrolysed collagen powder is neutral in taste and smell - but that's not all. It is also sugar-free, gluten-free and GMO-free in its composition, making it an ideal product for allergy sufferers and people who exclude certain nutrients from their diet. Check out the Osavi range and find out what other benefits there are to taking collagen.

Ean: 5904139921517
Distributor/Manufacturer: Olivit Sp. z o.o., ul. Blacharska 11, 61-006 Poznań
Warning! Dietary supplement should not be used as a substitute (replacement) for a varied diet. Dietary supplements should be kept out of the reach of small children.

Osavi - Hydrolyzed Collagen, Type I & III, Powder, 300g

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Best before date: 31.08.2027