Contact Us
Joanna Śniegocka, running a sole proprietorship under the name Shaman Joanna Śniegocka, registered in the Central Register and Information on Business Activity (CEIDG), maintained by the Minister responsible for economic affairs.
Dluga 23
63-400 Ostrów Wielkopolski
NIP 6222647314
REGON 300627037
Account number 76 1050 1201 1000 0097 5515 8111
Bank ING
63-400 Ostrów Wielkopolski
NIP 6222647314
REGON 300627037
Account number 76 1050 1201 1000 0097 5515 8111
Bank ING
telephone: +48 664 377 705
Call possible Monday to Friday, 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.